Pure Harmony Massage
Audra R. Highley LMT, BCTMB


*Pictures shown below are for informational purposes only and not actual representations of massage care provided by Pure Harmony Massage in the past*

This website is under construction and will be update by

Monday April 15, 2024 to reflect current information, policy and rates. 

Massage Techniques Offered

Audra has applied education in Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Myofascial Release, TMJ Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Prenatal Massage, Aromatherapy and Music Therapy.


Swedish Massage: A Light and/or Medium pressured massage that focuses on the superficial layers of muscle tissue to enhance overall circulation, release muscle tension and promote physical and mental relaxation. 



Deep Tissue*: A type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscle and connective tissues. Fingertips, knuckles, hands, forearms, and elbows can be used to apply pressure during a deep tissue massage.

*It is under Audra's professional discretion if deep tissue is appropriate for a massage session. The discretion will be based upon the client's health profile.

Sports Massage: Involves passive and active stretching of soft tissues. The goal of this technique is to increase range of motion and decrease tension and pain. This approach can be very beneficial for individuals who range from being within high levels of physical activity to individuals who are sedentary for long periods of time. A traditional Sports massage is performed upon the massage table with the fitted sheet for comfort. There is no flat sheet and no blanket. The massage is performed over loose fitting clothing that the client arrives in. Although, sports massage techniques can be incorporated within a Table massage where there is a sheet and blanket provided. Talk with Audra directly to discuss your options based on the goals of the session you have for her.

Myofascial Release: Involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue to eliminate pain and restore motion. This broad, slow, stretching technique is performed with little to no glide from a lotion or oil. This enables the therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the fascia.

TMJ Release: Massage therapy that is focused toward the reduction of tension in the masticatory muscles, releasing tension in fascia, and elimination of trigger points.


Trigger Point Therapy: Trigger point therapy has the potential to relieve muscular or tendinous adhesions. Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limit range of motion and at times cause referring headaches when located in the head and neck.


Lymphatic Drainage: A specialized, gentle type of massage and an important part of lymphedema treatment. The aim is to encourage the extra lymph fluid to move away from the swollen area.

Pregnancy Massage: A Prenatal massage is designed to release many common discomforts associated with the skeletal and circulatory changes brought on by hormonal shifts during pregnancy. This therapeutic massage aims to relax muscle tension, reduce inflammation and increase range of motion, all while ensuring mom and baby feel safe and comfortable.


Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy has the potential to release mental stress and therefore physical stress. Your session can be enhanced with an free upgrade of aromatherapy. The scents offered can provide a sense of calm or energy, your choice! Upgrades are within the massage oil or lotion as well as the placement of peppermint or eucalyptus upon your face cradle cover to reduce congestion onset by the face rest itself.

Music Therapy: Your session will be complimented with a Menu Of Music, where you can choose from over 20 playlists. Popular playlists include Pure Relaxation, Nature, Seaside and Piano. The music is played from an iPod for uninterrupted play and enhanced with surround sound.

Massage Therapy Fee Schedule  

Massage Therapy Services can be provided on a Massage Table or Massage Chair.


Fee Schedule* prices are subject to change with prior notice.


Audra promotes that you receive the full duration of the session you schedule (e.g. You schedule a 90-minute massage, Audra promotes that you receive 90-minutes on the table). To promote this, up to 45-minutes is added to your first session as a compliment. It is Audra's hope that with this extra time you do not feel rushed through the pre-interview, there is time to ensure that you, as well as Audra, are comfortable and knowledgeable about the massage routine beforehand and also that there is time for a post-interview.

And then after you leave, even more time is given to you because Audra will document your massage experience so the next time you come back, it will be as if you never left. For Audra will work to study your health profile, the previous massage routine and have all of your preferences (heat, aroma, etc- or the lack there of) in place at least 10-minutes before you walk through the door. 

Additional complimentary enhancements of Music Therapy and Aromatherapy are offered with each session.

On Table: Light/Medium Pressure

30 minutes: $47.00
60 minutes: $72.00
90 minutes: $107.00
2 hours: $132.00

This is a traditional table massage where the massage is performed upon a massage table that is provided with a fitted sheet, a flat sheet and a blanket. The client is laying upon the table and directly on fitted sheet while being covered under the flat sheet and blanket.

On Table: Deep Pressure

30 minutes: $52.00
60 minutes: $77.00
90 minutes: $112.00
2 hours: $137.00

This is a traditional table massage where the massage is performed upon a massage table that is provided with a fitted sheet, a flat sheet and a blanket. The client is laying upon the table and directly on fitted sheet while being covered under the flat sheet and blanket.

Sports Massage: Light/Medium

30 minutes: $42.00
45 minutes: $57.00

A traditional Sports massage is performed over loose fitting clothing that the client arrives in. The massage is performed upon the massage table where there is a fitted sheet and a table warmer to enjoy heat if needed. There is no flat sheet and no blanket.  The routine is targeted. Talk with Audra directly to discuss if a Sports massage or a Table massage that incorporates Sports Massage Techniques can serve the goals you have for the routine. 

Sports Massage: Deep Pressure

30 minutes: $47.00
45 minutes: $62.00

A traditional Sports massage is performed over loose fitting clothing that the client arrives in. The massage is performed upon the massage table where there is a fitted sheet and a table warmer to enjoy heat if needed. There is no flat sheet and no blanket.  The routine is targeted. Talk with Audra directly to discuss if a Sports massage or a Table massage that incorporates Sports Massage Techniques can serve the goals you have for the routine. 

On Chair: Therapeutic Light/Med

30 minutes: $47.00
45 minutes: $62.00
60 minutes: $72.00

A Chair Massage is a massage where the Head, Neck, Arms, Hands, Back and some areas of the gluteals can be addressed. A Therapeutic Chair Massage is a massage where the client receives a massage while wearing a clinical draping for the therapist to directly contact the soft tissues verses working over a layer of clothing. This option can be ideal for individuals who are unable to lay upon the table supine or prone (face-up or face-down).

On Chair: Therapeutic Deep*

30 minutes: $52.00
45 minutes: $67.00
60 minutes: $77.00

*The Massage Chair may not be suitable for higher levels of Deep Tissue and will therefore be transferred to the Massage Table to complete that level of care, and the corresponding fee schedule will apply.

On Chair: Traditional Light/Med

30 minutes: $42.00
45 minutes: $57.00
60 minutes: $72.00

A Chair Massage is a massage where the Head, Neck, Arms, Hands, Back and some areas of the gluteals can be addressed. A Traditional Chair Massage is a massage where the client receives a massage over the clothing they arrive in.

On Chair: Traditional Deep*

30 minutes: $47.00
45 minutes: $62.00
60 minutes: $77.00

*The Massage Chair may not be suitable for higher levels of Deep Tissue and will therefore be transferred to the Massage Table to complete that level of care, and the corresponding fee schedule will apply.

Off-Site Chair Massage

10+ minutes: $2.05 a Minute

An Off-Site Chair Massage is a Traditional Chair Massage provided off the premises/site of Pure Harmony Massage in professional settings. Such settings can be within an Office, a Community Event or a Sporting Event.

The massage care provided is the same rate for all levels of pressure, Light/Medium/Deep and is $2.00 a minute of hands-on massage time. Travel distance may increase rate. Aromatherapy or Music Therapy upgrades. And as always the client is provided extra complimentary time to ensure they are knowledgeable and comfortable with the routine before hand & to promote the client receives the full duration on the Massage Chair.